Session 8 - Nuru's Voyage

Captain Orford "Three Fingers" Carlyle thanked us for fighting off the fish mongrels and the sharks. He and the rest of the crew say their prayers for those crew members they lost. Eku seemed shaken by this attack and by traveling by sea altogether. She asked me what I thought we'd find in Shilku. I told her, "Death and treasure. It says so right here on this map that I have." Confodore inquired as to how the treasure got to that location. Then he asked about the Death Curse and the Death Monger. We all seemed clueless at this point. I asked Eku where she was from and she was kind of vague. She said she misses Mbala, a city that was ravaged by the evil hag, Nanny Pu'Pu. She still seeks revenge. A few days pass as we sailed along the Mistcliff Mountains until one day a strange fog surrounded our ship and some of the crew seemed to stare at the coast as if bewitched. Nuru quickly seemed alarmed and cast a spell. We could ...