Session 6: The Storm Hits

After Artis and Dragon Bait have departed on their search for Xandala, we resumed our march back to the Fort Belurian. We seemed to have become disoriented as we had doubled back to a previous landmark. Eku suggested we take shelter in a nearby ravine. We made camp. Before any us can settle down for some sleep, Confodore feels the ground tremble. I quickly ducked behind Mr. Club Tail for cover.

Out of the jungle strides a huge woman of blue skin! Her long white hair flowing behind her. She asks if any of us are named Artis or if we have the Ring of Winter? Only Confodore, the smallest of us all, was brave enough to parlay with this huge warrior. He told her how Xandala was traveling with us, betrayed us and took the Ring from Artis then fled. She asked how far and how long ago that had been.

She thought for a moment and then sat down near our campfire. She pulled out a barrel and takes a long drink. She offers us all a swig. Only Brick took up her offer and she poured his a mug full of frothy ale. He takes a drink and glugs it down. After one swallow his upright posture begins to sway and if he's dancing on his seat. A big dumb grin washes over his face. The giant laughed and said, "We make it strong up in the North!" I whispered to Eku if this was an Ice Giant and she clarified that they are called Frost Giants in these lands.

Nuru's ever watchful eyes noticed movement in the darkness. I don't know how he does it but he sees things before they are there! He stood up and announced that six undead things were approaching from the southeast.

I quickly skimmed up the side of the ravine and spotted one of the dread things. I blasted it it with a bolt of fire and hit it hard. The thing survived my attack and rushed forth at me. The giant strode, elegantly for such a large being, toward another ghoul. She picked it up and threw it out into the jungle as a child would throw a toy!

Harrp charged into battle and Confodore supported him from behind with his bow. Brick, amazingly, staggered into combat, almost tripping into a zombie but turned that trip into a successful lunge! Eku and Confodore completed an encircling move and along with the giant's aid we quickly dispatched or this distraction without taking wounds.

Nuru's burned the bodies as we once again took to our encampment. I felt much more comfortable with the giant now and began to barrage her with questions. My mouth and curiousity could not be held back. I asked what her name was, where she was from, why she was here, how she got here, if she's alone, if she's actually made of frost...

The giant kind of chuckled and said her name was Thyra, and that she came from the north, from some land I had never heard of. She came with a couple dozen other frost giants on a great ship, that must have been absolutely huge! They sought the Ring of the Winter, a very evil relic that has the power to dominate anyone.

As the night took hold and the night beasts began to sing, some of us laid down to rest. I nustled up next to Thyra and found she was actually quite comfortably warm.

When it was my shift to take watch, Eku woke me up. She whispered if I was not wary of this giant? I asked why I should be. She has caused us no harm and in fact broke bread, so to speak, with Brick and aided us against the undead. I asked if she was wary of all outsiders, including myself. She said she had a bad feeling about her. I asked if it was the same bad feeling Mr. Nuru gave off? I heard a lol in the distance. She said we should all keep a close eye on Thyra. I agreed to be cautious.

Day broke and Thyra quickly headed in the direction that Confodore had pointed the night before.
Brick went foraging for food and brought back more fruit. Confodore says this fruit is called "Dancing Monkey" fruit and offered a few to Zuru. They each encouraged the other to eat aplenty laughing as they did so. Then Confodore offered me some so I ate heartily
The next thing I know, more terrorfolk are diving at my head. I can sort of realize what is going on but my head felt dizzy. I think the rest of the party were fighting the huge creatures but I tried my best to just stay out of the way with my clumsy actions.

When my head cleared we continued onward. We found an opening in the jungle with a small circle of tents up ahead. Confodore scouted ahead and found an encampment of dead halflings. He said outloud, "Why would there be dead halflings in the jungle?" I suggested maybe halflings were like elephants and they came to this jungle to die. Confodore did NOT like that hypothesis.

We buried the bodies and searched the camp. We found fresh water and rations and a few sparkly gems. Confodore split the gems equally. We also found a couple potions, one of which I found to be a healing potion like they sold at the port city. The party agreed that I need to take it as most of them already had such an item.

We continued on as a light rain began to fall. Nuru pointed out a tiger that wished to ambush us but upon seeing our number decided to disappear back into the brush. Where would we be without Nuru's great eyes?!?

We then spotted a cave. Confodore, ever the bold one, entered and looked around. After a brief time gone he called forth for us to follow him. We found a small skeleton with a mask shaped like a frog. A turquoise gem was faceted into the forehead of the mask. On the wall was a carving of a frog with tentacles. We identified the skeleton as being a goblin and the carving must be the god of these goblins and that we were in a shrine. Nuru agrees that this must be a god, but not one of the major gods. A lesser god unique to Chult. In fact, it is the Frog God, Bitiri.

Confodore took the mask with the gem. I say how it is bad natured to desecrate a shrine but he tells me he cared not. It is his nature to take from the dead. Sure enough, less than an hour from departing with the relic, nature turned on us. The skies turned dark and Eku urged to rush back to the cave before a great tropical storm was about to hit us. The rain fell and then land turned to mud and the mud into mudslides. The wind picked up and we had trouble seeing our hands before our faces when we reached the cave.

Nuru's eyes could see, though. He could see something(s) else had occupied the cave before our return. Before he could warn anyone, Confodore had entered the cave. Black apes hung from the ceiling of the cave and attacked. We all rushed into the cave to support Confodore. Nuru "blesssed" Confodore, Brick and Harrp, as usual. I moved past Nuru wondering why I never get his divine assistance. I teleported behind the apes to attack from behind. I once again found myself isolated and got mauled by a couple ape fists. I was not much help after that.

When the party had defeated the black apes, Nuru approached me. "The reason I do not grant you assistance is because I have great confidence in you. I can feel that you are powerful and do not need the assistance from me nor my benefactor."

Confodore, overhearing this remark said, "What he says may be true, but also realize that not going into debt with a Death God is also a good thing. Be wary from where your aid comes from."

With those words, I gained 433xp


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