Session 8 - Nuru's Voyage

Captain Orford "Three Fingers" Carlyle thanked us for fighting off the fish mongrels and the sharks. He and the rest of the crew say their prayers for those crew members they lost.

Eku seemed shaken by this attack and by traveling by sea altogether. She asked me what I thought we'd find in Shilku. I told her, "Death and treasure. It says so right here on this map that I have." Confodore inquired as to how the treasure got to that location. Then he asked about the Death Curse and the Death Monger. We all seemed clueless at this point.

I asked Eku where she was from and she was kind of vague. She said she misses Mbala, a city that was ravaged by the evil hag, Nanny Pu'Pu. She still seeks revenge.

A few days pass as we sailed along the Mistcliff Mountains until one day a strange fog surrounded our ship and some of the crew seemed to stare at the coast as if bewitched. Nuru quickly seemed alarmed and cast a spell. We could then hear faint singing on the wind.

At that point, some of the crew jumped into the sea and began making their way to the cliffs. I asked the captain if he thought that was smart and he too made his way to the port side of the ship. He began climbing overboard when Nuru compeled him to come to his senses. The captain seemed confused as if suddenly being awoken.

Another crew member was about to jump in the water when Confodore slapped him into awareness. Then Brick pointed at a beach by a shipwreck and said, "There!"

Three female humanoids could be seen and heard singing an otherworldly song in unison. One took flight and began to make her way to the sailors in the drink. I blasted it with a fire spell but it continued toward the crew.

Brick and Eku bravely jumped into the water to save the crew only to find sharks had been attracted to the area. Damn sharks! I hate those so much!

The other females also took flight and made the matters worse. Confodore literally swung into action and landed in the water to help Eku fight the first winged bitch. Brick began bleeding when a shark bit into him. By this time he had grabbed one of the female demons and ripped her to shreds. Harrp leaped off the ship and landed on another female and split it in half with his axe! The final one began to fly back to shore and I blasted it with a more powerful spell of flame and she fell into the sea.

I then asked the captain if he had a row boat to explore the shipwreck. He pointed one out and asked if I was blind. Sure enough, a boat appeared before me and I jumped in. I asked if anyone wanted to join and Confodore quickly volunteered. Harrp swam over to the row boat and climbed in.
We three reached the beach quite easily, passing through a patch of red water where our friends had been floating. I found a barrel with only sea water as content. Confodore went to explore a more intact container when a swarm of snakes attacked him from the wreckage.

While fighting, Confodore’s backpack began talking. It was asking Liara about shipments and how captain Laskilar is bored, how captain Elok is getting impatient and that Liara should reply soon. Were those the names of the pirates on the wanted poster back in Nyanzaru? While I was thinking about this a huge snake joined the battle. Harrp quickly dispatched it but Confodore had also gone done to a poisonous swarm. I ran to his side and let loose a burst of fire. Then I noticed another swarm was approaching. So many snakes on a motha-f'ing beach! I ran away. Harrp ran back to the row boat and yelled at the Raider's Lament that we needed Nuru.

Confodore rallied and climbed to his feet once again. Nuru nourished his soul with some divine casting. Eku had again bravely walked up to the face of danger and remarkably vanquished it without a sign of taking damage. Confodore then walked over to chest and popped it open. We found many coins and gems along with a steel map case and three steel vials.

I looked around the beach to find if the winged ladies had a lair. I found a sea cave. We decided to take a short rest before entering the darkness. Harrp and Confodore drank a couple potions of healment.

When we were all ready, I sprinted into the cave. I found three ratty nests and a pool of water. I ran out of the cave for it stank of bird flu. Harrp asked what I had seen and I told him a pool of water and stench. I heard him splash as he must have jumped into the pool. He emerged from the cave, wet and carrying a small chest. Confodore again easily opened its lock. I think he has a knack for such tasks...
He found more coins, a silver vial and a black onyx-like marble.

We all headed back onto the main ship and set sail once again. Captain Three Fingers put us to work to compensate for our depleted lack of crew. We had lost many. It was hard work but helped pass the time.

Confodore spent some of his time investigating the strange items we had found. He identified the marble as a bead of force. That sounded nasty. We also found two potions of healing, a elixir of health and a potion of growth. The map case contained a shatter spell. Confodore's eyes seemed to grow when he uncovered the secrets from these items.

I asked Capain Three Fingers where we were and how much further we had to travel. He pointed out where we had rounded the the horn of the peninsula near the Jahaka Bay on our map.

He then spotted a large black ship, a black flag with a green gem emblem waving from its mast, in front of us from the south. He made his flag very visible but the captain seemed to turn pale as the ship continued to approach us. Were we to prepare for battle? I could hear Confodore murmur, "Pirates," under his breath.

4,600 cp
2,100 sp
150 gp
2 x Carnelian gems (50 gp)
2 x Jasper gems (50 gp)
1 Chalcedony gem (50 gp)


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