Session 2 : A Deal with Eku

Shortly after the fight is over and bodies of the dead were still burning, the sole remaining soldier thanked us for our assistance. He seemed sad that many of his comrades were no more. I didn't know if he said any prayers for his friends.

Two Tabaxi came out of a tall building. Apparently they had witnessed our fight with the undead and they also thanked us. The noticed we seemed new to Nyanzaru and they asked us where we were from. I told them Maztica. I guess all my new friends came from Baldur's Gate.

I asked what their names were. One was called River Myst. She had a most fashionable eye patch. Very alluring. She then introduced her brother, Flask of Wine. Such cool Tabaxi names. They asked me mine. I revealed, much to my chagrin, that my real name was Roasting Chestnuts. Nuru is usually a stoic fellow but upon hearing my name, he let out a hearty chuckle... I tried to explain my name, saying that all my siblings and cousins had taken all the cool names and I was left with the only remaining option. I couldn't tell if the others could see through my lie. Why did my mother curse me with such a pathetic moniker?

Nuru then composed himself and asked if the undead attack the city very often. River said they have been attacking for many years. There are many undead in the jungle. Confodere asked them if they have been attacking more often in recent times. River said fewer patrol and adventurers have been traveling in the jungle to cull the zombies so there are just more than usual milling around.

They then told us if we wanted to destroy more undead, we would need to obtain an explorer's charter. Baldur's Gate says they own the interior of Chult and the Flaming Fists is their mercenary force to enforces this law. Crazy! If we want to explore the wild jungle, we have to pay some city hundreds of miles away! Outrageous! Anyway, we have to go to some place called Balarian's Fort. I asked how we are supposed to get to somewhere to get a charter if we need a charter to get there. They suggest taking a boat. Confodere remarks that everything costs money in Nyanzaru. River explains, "That is why it is called City of Coins." I then realized Flask just kind of repeats a paraphrased version of whatever his sister says.

They bid us fair journeys as we headed back in the gates and try to find Cia's House of Repose. We find the Red Bazaar, which wasn't really red at all. Cia's Repose was quite crowded but Nuru found us a table... well most of us. There was no room for me so I stood near the table and occasionally roamed around. Confodere purchased us some bitter tasting brew called taesch because they had no ale. It was awful! I made it taste like milk. Then it was much better.

Nuru asked if the innkeeper knew of any guides like the harbor master had suggested. The barkeep laughed and a procession of hopefuls began to appear at our table.

First there was a scary pale white dwarf that looked like an undead thing. He said something about his jungle skills and something about his hiring fee... something about a gauntlet. I couldn't really concentrate because he had this dot on his forehead. Very distracting! I wanted to swipe at it every time he turned his head.

After him was a girl that said she was born in the jungle. She wanted a lot of money up front. She said she might drop the fee if we helped her get a mask back from bird people. She seemed nice... but if she lost a mask to a bird and couldn't get it back... Well, she didn't seem like a very capable guide.
Then there was another dwarf with only one arm. He said a red dragon named Tinder had taken his limb but he was tough and survived. He wanted revenge! I exclaimed how excited I would be to see a real dragon. Confodere shut me down and said NO DRAGONS for now. I pleaded as I am fond of draconic things, including Brick and Harp, but Confodere would not budge on his decision.

Next was a miracle. She bore a staff of Coatl! I did not know Coatl's power reached across the sea! I instantly felt akin to this human AND her head-dressing was exquisite! She wore a beautiful necklace, a thick and bright head band and feathered earrings! I never thought of feathers... Purrrfect!
She said her name was Eku and that she despised the undead. She had plans of getting justice for the people of Umballa. I had heard a story of Umballa. It was once a capital of an empire that was located on top of a plateau. I did not recall anymore about this city. She also warned us that there are many liars in Nyanzaru.

As I tried to convince my friends Eku was the ONE, a halfing butted into our conversation. He said he and his scruffy friend would help us. They had a triceratops and would help us for a share of the treasure we would find.

After they pitched their bargain another girl approached us. She was very forthcoming, direct and brash. She insulted the other guide's skills and arrogantly said we would die if we didn't employ her services... As if I had never been in a jungle before.

After a short discussion, we all agreed Eku would be our first choice. We invited her back to our table and she said would cost 5gp a day and that she expected 150gp up front! I offered my share of the money but we collectively could not afford her. Nuru attempted to charm her with their shared interest in destroying the undead. As she stood up to leave, I began to purr, hoping she liked cats. I pleaded with her to join us. Then I reached into my pouch and showed her my ceremonial, coming of age pendant, family heirloom of Quetzal Coatl.

She sat back down and told us about Nanny PuPu, a witch that brought death to Umballa. It was hard to keep a straight face as she told described this foul woman. I question the seriousness of the witch, which Confodere explained the different meaning of Nanny than what I envisioned. Hopefully PuPu meant something different in Chult too!

She told us she would meet with us the next evening to discuss further plans. She suggested we acquire some essential items, mainly a rain catcher, insect repellent, bearers or beasts of burden and most of all, explorer charters.

When she left, a man showed up and dropped a bag of coins on the table. He said he heard we were the ones who beat back the zombie attack earlier in the day. We confirmed his belief. He said his name was Belym and that his husband had been falsely accused of a crime. Draza needed help for he was not criminal. He had been sentenced to do the Executioner's Run. This was a long pit where the accused needed to cross. If they make it to the finish line, then they are thought to have proven their innocence to the gods. Nuru asked what the guards thought of interference. Belym was honest and said they and the crowd would not look kindly on outside interference with the ceremony. Even more so, the bookies and those gambling wouldn't want outside influences impacting their bets.

As he explained more details about the event, such as it would begin at first light the next morning, I opened the bag. Only 10gp came out. Confodere immediately scoffed and declined to help. Even Nuru thought it not worth the effort. The man took his few coins and returned to his seat, quite dejected. I looked at Nuru and asked him what if it was his brother who was falsely accused and his brother faced certain death, would he not help?

Before he would answer me, yet another Chultan was at our table. Fate's revolving door was moving quickly on this day. A woman said her name was K'lahu. She was a bookie and noticed the two dragon born looked pretty imposing. She asked them if they would encourage someone to repay his debt to her. An ex-gladiator named Taban owed her 500gp. If they would collect the money, she would let them keep 10%. They both blinked. She then clarified that would be 50gp. Taban was expected to be at the Executioner's Run the next day. She also mentioned something about a dinosaur race! While I was feeling bad for Belym, I couldn't help myself from getting excited! I asked her when the next race would be! She said there would be a race after the Executioner's Run! YAY!

Wouldn't you know it, before I could even imagine what a dinosaur race might look like the innkeeper puts down five glasses of wine onto our table and introduces a dark figure name Rokah Palpatine. He explained his conspiracy theory about the Flaming Fists being in cahoots with pirates! Cahoots, I love that word. "Let's cahill those cahooters!"

He said that pirates have only attacked ships not bearing the flag of Baldur's Gate. He wanted us to travel with him and to cause a distraction so he could sneak into the commander's quarters to find proof of the cahooter's cahooting. If we helped him, he would pay for our explorer's charter.

After Rokah leaves, the crowd at the bar thinned out and we all headed to our rooms. We woke up early to have a complimentary breakfast before heading to the pit. It was not hard to find as we followed the streams of people headed to watch and bet on the Executioner's Run.

The pit was huge. I would have guessed it was about 15' deep, 50' wide across and 200' from end to end. This looked so easy! Then I remembered humans are rather slow beings. We saw K'lahu taking bets and she motioned to a garish man bullying his way through the crowd to get a better view. I saw Belym and went to see how he was doing. Not good. "Hey buddy, what's up?" He looked heart broken. "Cheer up. Something good might happen." As I went to find my own spot to watch the event, I told myself I would not let his husband die this day.

In the center of the run, I noticed doors on each side in the pit. I positioned myself over the doors on one side. I noticed Nuru was talking to Belym. I hoped he was saying nice things. I saw Confodere standing behind Taban and pointing to places that Brick and Harp moved to. They seemed to be surrounding Taban the Chultan man.

Three prisoners emerged on one side of the pit as the doors opened. Before I could react, three tiny dinosaurs sprang out and ran at the peasants. Belym yelled at his husband to get closer to the side of the pit. Then I noticed Nuru was standing near where Belym was guiding Draza. Nuru was going to help!

The two other prisoners began running to the finish line. Then there was a commotion in the crowd. Taban was dangling over the edge, being held by rope. He looked like bait on the end of a fishing line as Confodere was smiling down at his "worm."

I quickly took note of the situation and conceived a plan. Dope on a Dope! I turned to a nearby guard that held a crossbow and said how exciting everything was. I pulled out my lunch and as I turned back I and "dropped" my fish into the pit. "Oh no!" I exclaimed as I scaled down into the pit to retrieve my meal.

By then, one peasant had been shredded by a raptor! They were little but they were lethal! One ran at Draza but then stopped, changed directions and came then at me! I noticed Nuru seemed to be concentrating on something, his eyes were maybe glowing? I didn't have time to take a closer look as I had to throw up a spell to protect myself.

The other two raptors began to attack Taban as another peasant died. Taban fought back from his vicarious position. Confodere offered to pull him back up, with conditions. Taban refused.
Draza began running, the raptors ignoring him completely. I told the dinosaur closest to me to stay away from my fish and I swung out and shocked it. Taban started taking damage. His bleeding was great but he refused to surrender.

Draza made it to the finishing line! I struck the raptor in front of me again and it fell. I picked up my fish and climbed back up into the crowd. I showed the guard my lunch and smiled. "I got it back!"
By then, Taban had realized his situation. He asked Confodere to help him out. When he got out of the pit, he attempted to run away. Confodere stabbed him and Harp knocked him prone. Taban reluctantly gave Confodere a pouch. Confodere inspected the pouch and instructed Brick and Harp to let the man go.

The three of them went over to K'lahu and handed her the pouch. She reached inside and gave Confodore a gem.

Belym and Draza hugged each other.




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